Blade And Soul Stuck. Hello blade and soul fans! The custom wisp walker face adornment has no appearance for female characters. This often fixes performance issues for games just released or in. This message was created by a bot [contact ^creator] [source ^code] 1 level 1 chewyness · 5y they are under maintenance now to add more servers and what not. I managed to get into the character selection screen after waited like 30 minutes at the logo there. Read the patch notes and jump in game to catch all the events. This means that the process is active but stuck at a certain process level. Details namsoyoo i know i still have a long way to go, but i'll do my best for these people. Stuck in act vii chapter 11. Possible something went wrong in the installation process. It's been like this for a couple hours now. Or how to gear up for higher level content? If they are, it means it's hanging. You will then be prompted to select a language. This can be done by clicking the scan file option at bottom of the ncsoft game launcher window.

Please help! Blade and soul gets stuck on splash screen
Please help! Blade and soul gets stuck on splash screen from

Deva raiment, deva helm, dragon bone inscription, sealed golden deva earrings, deva soul packs, and l. Spring treasure trove now live! This means that the process is active but stuck at a certain process level. Since im falling up and down i cant use windstride. The class change system offers to. The game is still installing but it has gone past the playable marker, whenever i click start game it does the loading thing in the bottom right corner and then just stays on the splash screen, no icon in taskbar except for the launcher too. Read the patch notes and jump in game to catch all the events. Got pass being stuck and got into stage 2 download, but there is a play now button and i can start the game now. It seems it extremely long the first time i open the game after starting my pc. I managed to get into the character selection screen after waited like 30 minutes at the logo there.

Locate The Nclauncher2_Installer.exe File That You Saved.

Possible something went wrong in the installation process. Deva raiment, deva helm, dragon bone inscription, sealed golden deva earrings, deva soul packs, and l. If they are, it means it's hanging. That is a total of 8102 characters. Randomly, it went to 5.1mb/13.7mb, and now the download is stuck at (1.6mb / 10.2mb) edit 2: Download the game launcher from the link provided below: At this time, we do not have an eta when services will resume. It's been like this for a couple hours now. Heya pankhurst, i just moved your post from general to bug reports so we can try to get you some help.

However, After I Selected The Character It Went Into Loading Again.

Everything you can get from the world boss golden deva. In the past 3 weeks 523 blade masters, 469 kung fu masters, 595 force masters, 516 destroyers, 512 assassins, 546 summoners, 524 blade dancers, 935 warlocks, 473 soul fighters, 904 gunslingers, 676 wardens, 368 zen archers, 653 astromancers, and 408 dual blades have completed any stage of aerodrome. Sometimes it gets caught there for. You will then be prompted to select a language. 1 level 1 campaine · 5y ue4 btw We get stuck between water and land and cant move. Hello blade and soul fans! Add blade & soul (you must have opened blade and soul atleast once for it to show up) 4: However, live services and your accounts are unaffected and can still be accessed from the nc launcher.

Or How To Gear Up For Higher Level Content?

Stuck in act vii chapter 11. If the splash logo is stuck, go to your task manager and see if any blade & soul processes are running. The class change system offers to. If you have the launcher set to start the game automatically, you will have to run the launcher once, close the game or alt+tab out to. My sister and i are playing as lyn, and every time we enter water, we cannot leave the water. Blade & soul | free to play | mmorpg. This means that the process is active but stuck at a certain process level. Got pass being stuck and got into stage 2 download, but there is a play now button and i can start the game now. I have found another way to get it to boot although this first load seems to have taken a moment to boot.

Known Issues As Of March 16, 2022.

Soul resurgence is now live! Dropping a knife on the floor will bring visitors from the direction in which the blade points. It seems it extremely long the first time i open the game after starting my pc. 10) a spoon that accidentally drops on the floor means that an unexpected female visitor will arrive. This works for items received from daily dash as well as the hongmoon store! Also check to make sure your computer meets minimum specs to run the game. If that doesn't work, try running as administrator or running in compatibility mode 2 level 2 eatmyshorts2006 op · 4y i've tried all this, nothing is working 1 level 1 [deleted] This often fixes performance issues for games just released or in. Relogging doesnt work either and since i dont actually fall all the way to the bottom i dont die so cant use that.

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